What types of questions should I avoid asking?

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Ensure your question is on-topic for this site.

You should only ask practical, answerable questions that are not open-ended.

Your questions should be reasonably scoped down to a specific issue.

  • "Why is my roof leaking?"

  • "What is your favorite brand of appliance to work on?"

  • "My dryer is making a funny noise."

Certain subjective questions "are" allowed.

Subjective questions must be constructive. These questions must:

  • Inspire users to answer the "why" and "how".

  • Tend to contain long answers that help spread knowledge. Not short ones.

  • Contain an impartial tone, ask a question. Not voice a suggestion.

  • Inspire users to share experiences. Not opinions.

If your question is about the site itself, please don't ask it here. Ask it on the Discord or Reddit forum. Can't find an answer there? Contact Us